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Thursday 26 August 2010

week 46

Well i've been 46 weeks on my weight loss journey wahoo,i'm 64lbs lighter and feel like my journey is nearing the end ..I am a 42 yr woman who has been stuck inside a fat body for the past 15yrs as a teenager and into my 20's I was slimish..even after the children I remained slim ut as I reached my 30's weight began to creep on and by this time last year I was at an all tie high 16'2.5lbs shocking for my 5'7.5 frame. I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and put on levothyroxine which was a wonder pill I felt alive but was still trapped in this body.I began my weight loss in oct of 2009 where I got all my old weight watchers material and read through it all again by the xmas of 09 I was down to 14'0 I felt fantastic and I knew then nothing could stop me .. I'm currently at 11'8 2lbs of my goal weight although I will be dropping to 10.6 just to feel more comfortable in my clothes. I hope this helps even just 1 person to start making their own journey ,

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